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Washing Your Hair? Here Are SomeTips I Wish Your Stylist Told You.

As a hairstylist, I will be the first to admit that we get busy and sometimes forget to share common hair tips and tricks with every single client unless asked. Before I became a hairdresser, I was also a client. I remember going to my stylist and saying, “just a touch up.” She would do my hair, we wouldn’t banter too much, and I would leave happy with my freshly bleached hair. When I decided to become a stylist and began my education, I realized I knew nothing about basic care for my blonde locks. I was a bit frustrated to learn that my stylist never took the initiative to tell me simple things. That is why when I became a hairstylist, I made a promise to myself to provide education to my clients alongside a kick-ass hairstyle.

So, if you are reading this, be prepared to get hair schooled on what to do and what NOT to do. First things first, let’s start with the most basic thing we do every week: washing our hair. I personally am in the modern eye “gross” and wash my hair once to twice a week. To most clients, I am a unicorn, and they have no idea how on earth I can go a full week without washing my hair. To be honest, I used to wash my hair every 3 days, but I found it to be drying to my hair and also way too much work. So, I began to train my scalp to go longer. I would push it a day or two longer than normal, and after two to three weeks, my oil production in my scalp slowed down, and I was able to go a full week without feeling like a dirtbag. There is a bit of a hair hack to optimizing your natural oils to the fullest: using a natural boar bristle brush to distribute your oils on day two or three will help bring the oils down your hair shaft and condition your locks naturally. My absolute favorite brush is the classic Mason Pearson. It is a bit of a splurge, but it is the OG brush with history and lifelong shelf life.

If you want something more affordable, make sure you are purchasing a natural boar bristle brush. For fine hair, you will want to buy an all boar bristle brush, while for thicker textures, you will want a boar brush with nylon bristles. Let’s move on to the actual washing part. When washing your hair, make sure you’re not using absolute garbage to wash your hair. That includes the $2.99 deal you see on that shampoo at your drugstore or that two-in-one product. Those shampoos are heavy detergents and have harmful chemicals. Beware of sodium lauryl sulfate; this is the most common sulfate and has been recorded to stay in your body for up to 5 days and has been found to leave traces in your heart, liver, and brain. So, go in your bathroom right now, turn to the back of your shampoo, and if you see it on the ingredients list, DITCH IT immediately. The same goes for your conditioner; please just be conscious of what you are using because in the long run, your hair and body will thank you!

I always say to my clients, if you think about how long your hair is, that’s years of length. The longer the hair, the more love it needs, so feed it well. When I wash my hair, I don’t use hot water; lukewarm water is best as it doesn’t open up your cuticle as scorching hot water does. Then I apply my conditioner and leave it on for about 3 to 5 minutes. Now, for most people, that is way too long, so try to do 2 to 3 while you dance or exfoliate. When rinsing the conditioner, try to lower the temperature even more. Colder water helps to close the cuticle, increase shine, control frizz, and static. Now that you’re squeaky clean and out of the shower, please don’t start to aggressively dry your hair with the towel; it hurts my hairdresser’s heart. Instead, gently blot the hair like a calm individual and namaste. Aggressively drying the hair creates breakage, frizz, and makes your hair hate you.

Also, if you are someone who brushes your hair after washing, make sure it’s not soaking wet and invest in a wide-tooth comb brush for brushing. Another thing I do is constantly rotate my shampoo and conditioner; I have a few favorites, and I am always switching it up. The rotation allows your hair to never get used to the same product, and it always stays potent. Hair masks are magical, and I believe that everyone should be using them every week or two weeks. Your hair needs that nutrition, and that 2-minute conditioner is just not cutting it. I hope you’ve learned something, and this knowledge will contribute to better hair days. Our beauty therapy session is over; stay beautiful inside and out!

“When in trouble, take a bath and wash your hair.” – Zsa Zsa Gabor"

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